A.P.U Badminton Club Logo A.P.U Badminton Club Logo A.P.U Badminton Club Logo
The Asia Pacific University Badminton Club is dedicated to all scholars in Asia Pacific University. Scholars from all levels and programs such as the certificate, foundation, diploma or even degree scholars are encouraged to enroll in the Asia Pacific University’s Badminton Club as an extra co-curricular activity as it is the university’s policy where every scholar is required to join one club as an extra co-curricular activity.

Joining the Asia Pacific University’s Badminton Club will benefit the scholar in many ways as we organize many competitions where scholars who participate will have the opportunity to demonstrate their hidden talents. Scholars will also receive certificates from participating in the competition organized by the club which will be of good use in their advanced education.

Scholars who would like to join the Asia Pacific University’s Badminton Club will have to fill up an online registration form which is used to certify the scholar as a member. Members who have joined the club are given the opportunity to provide their feedback through the online feedback which for further improvisation of the club.

For further inquiries, please do fill the inquiry form which is provided and all your questions would be answered.

Thank you.